“Since the beginning of history, there were Guardian Monsters hiding between layers of time.

They are symbols of water, protecting buildings and towns from fire hazard. Our ancestors gave thanks to the Guardian Monsters and there was a harmony.

However, there were people with bad intentions and the monsters got angry. They kidnapped the people with bad spirits, and tortured them with endless riddles in their labyrinth. They are not allowed to escape until they solved all the problems.

Once they were released, they became humble people with good hearts.

Guardian Monsters are keeping balance of this world, protecting us from bad influences and rewarding the good ones, even today.”

PLEIADES presents “GUARDIAN MONSTERS : The Beginning” collection, following the prelude season released in 2020.

Through the collection, PLEIADES declares the new muse that is going to be at the core of the brand from now on.

Curious, rebellious, knowing who she is and curating her own life accordingly. Hand-picked signature shoes along with the newly introduced daily shoes line, the collection is even more rich and original than ever before.

Hope you enjoy this special collection, that shows the essence of PLEIADES identity.